Der Campus Tölz ist ein smarter Business-Hub entwickelt für die Prototypen-Entwicklung

Real estate marketing2023

Campus TOElz

Den Technologiepark Bad Tölz als visionär zu bezeichnen kommt schon fast einer Untertreibung nahe. Nothing less than a state-of-the-art innovation hub for future technologies is to be created here in the middle of the Bavarian Oberland (but with optimal infrastructure). The intelligent building concepts bring together research, production and office space and thus offer optimal working conditions for start-ups and companies in the fields of aviation, robotics and mechanical engineering. The issue of sustainability is omnipresent and has been incorporated into the construction of the buildings, the development of the open spaces and the generation and use of energy on the site from the outset.

We have been supporting the project for several years with 3D visualizations and most recently an animated film, which communicate the advantages and infrastructural conditions on site.

Technologie Park Tölz Grundstücksgesellschaft mbH
Campus Tölz
Bad Tölz
Architectural Visualization Animation